the wireless customer is not available instead of voicemail
If my response answered your question please click the Correct Answer button under my response. How do I resolve so people can leave messages again.
The Wireless Customer Is Not Available How To Fix Robot Powered Home
Launch your iPhone and go to the Settings option.

. Place a test call to 611. Select My voicemail phone features Phone Features. Then if I press and hold 1 to get into voicemail then I have to enter the.
When calling my number the message says the wireless customer youre calling is not available please try again later instead of giving them the option to leave a voicemail. If Visual Voicemail wont download press and hold 1 to check your messages. If you hear a busy signal instead of the the wireless customer you are calling is not available message it means that the person you are trying to call is on the phone with someone else.
No Answer Call Forwarding. Turn your phone off for 10 seconds and then back on. When I press and hold 1 on keypad Im told I have a voicemail box that has not been set up.
When I press and hold 1 to get into my voicemail over the phone it says the person you called has a voicemail box that has not been set up yet. The wireless customer you called is not available at this time. It will call your voicemail.
Go to Account overview My digital phone. Launch your iPhone and go to the Settings option. If my response answered your question please click the Correct Answer button under my response.
Also if I call my own number from another number hit and enter my. Check Call Forwarding. To Deactivate the Busy Transfer dial 900 Send To Deactivate the No Answer Transfer dial 902 Send When I call my cell phone number from another phone I am able to leave a voicemail on the Verizon voicemail and my phone notifies me there is a voicemail available.
Then have ATT help you with the settings on your phone to make sure that that same phone number for your voice mail box is in your phone under conditional call forwarding. Callers hear wireless customer not available. One idea on why the recording states wireless customer is that they have immediate call forwarding set up so that all calls are transferred to a wireless number.
Voicemail User Guide PDF - Setup. Select My voicemail phone features Phone Features. If the test call is successful press and hold 1 to dial into the voicemail system.
Scroll to My devices add-ons and choose the device you want to manage. When I go to Phone AppVoicemail iPhone11 I have a lot of old messages so I obviously have a voicemail box. Goodbye Instead I have to go into visual voicemail on the iPhone and it makes me put in my own custom voicemail password.
Try again later or leave a voicemail. Under Device options settings choose Reset voicemail password and follow the prompts. Hopefully this is just a matter of call forwarding having removed the number and adding it back will resolve the problem.
In the Call Forwarding section verify the following features are listed as On and forwarded to voicemail. Follow us on Twitter VZWSupport. Do one of the following.
Ive asked a few friends to call him for me as well on there phone and one of my friends said it said the same thing mine said another friend said it did. Have to reset it through the my att app. In your Call Settings menu click the Voicemail option.
The wireless customer you are calling is not available please try again later. This is done locally on your device and can not be managed online. The best way to do this is by sending a text message.
So if you call someone it rings but then drops instead of voicemail it means there is an issue with the voicemail server or the link to the voicemail server. If your test call fails confirm you have wireless coverage. Resetting my network settings putting a voicemail password I cant because it says voicemail not.
The wireless customer you are calling is unavailable My voicemail isnt working. Check If the Phone Is Off. For a period that is now into the second week ATT.
My boyfriend has ATT and everytime i try to call him from his iphone itll say The wireless customer is not available but when i send him messages they go through and deliver.
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